• Bulldozers at work in gravel mine


4 Ton Electric LHD n'okpuru ala Loader WJD-2

N'iji moto asynchronous nke nwere agba atọ dị ka isi iyi ike, ọ bụ kọmpat ma dị fechaa igwe na-ebufe ma na-ebutu ya maka ngwuputa akwara dị warara.Ọ nwere ezi passability.Ọ na-enye mgbanwe dị mma na nchekwa onye ọrụ na arụ ọrụ vein dị warara.Ọ dị mfe ịrụ ọrụ na idobe ya, a na-eji ụlọ ọrụ na-arụ ọrụ n'azụ igwe iji hụ na nchekwa ndị ọrụ ka mma.

Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Mkpado ngwaahịa

WJD-2 juputara na njiri mara iji nyere ogbunigwe aka ibuli tonne wee wedata ọnụ ahịa mmịpụta.Emepụtara ya iji kwalite obosara igwe, ogologo na ntụgharị ntụgharị, na-eme ka ọ rụọ ọrụ n'ime ọwara ndị dị warara maka obere mgbaze na ọnụ ahịa arụmọrụ dị ala.

The WJD-2 is full of features to help mines maximize tonnes and minimize extraction costs. Engineered to optimize machine width, length and turning radius, enabling operation in narrower tunnels for less dilution and lower operational costs.
The WJD-2 is full of features to help mines maximize tonnes and minimize extraction costs. Engineered to optimize machine width, length and turning radius, enabling operation in narrower tunnels for less dilution and lower operational costs.

Nkọwa nka nka



Nha tramming 7430*1815*2050mm Ọkọlọtọ ịwụ 2m3
Mkpochapụ ala 250mm Ibu ibu 4000KG
Max ebuli elu 3975 mm Max Breakout Force 86KN
Oke nbudata kacha 1740 mm Oke traktị 104KN
Ikike ịrigo (ebubo) 20°



Ọsọ 0 ~ 10.5km / h Ibu ọrụ 12500kg
Oge ọganihu ọganihu ≤7.0s Ibu ibu 16500kg
Ọganihu mbelata oge ≤4.0s N'ihu Axle(Ihe efu) 4450kg
Oge mkpofu ≤4.2s Axle azụ (Ihe efu) 8050kg
Akụkụ Oscilation ±8° Axle ihu (ebujuru) 8790KG

Ụgbọ oloko ike

Igwe ọkụ eletrik


Nlereanya Y280S-4 Ntụgharị Torque DANA C270
Ọkwa nchedo IP55 Igbe igbe RT32000
Ike 75kw / 1480rpm


Mba nke okporo osisi 4 Ụdị CMG
arụmọrụ 92.60% Nlereanya CY-2J
Voltaji 220/380/440 Ụdị Axle mbara ala siri ike

DALI WJD-2 bụ ihe ngwọta mkpọtụ na-enweghị ikuku na nke dị ala maka ibu na ibu n'okpuru ala.Ndị agha mgbawa dị elu, ọsọ tramming dị elu na njuputa bọket pụrụ iche na-enyere gị aka ịkwaga ngwa ngwa karịa.Profaịlụ kọmpat na radius ntụgharị mkpụmkpụ na-eme ka igodo dị mfe.


● Igwe ọkụ eletrik efu na-eme ka ọnọdụ ọrụ dịkwuo mma
● Ọ dị mfe, ịnweta ọkwa ala maka ọrụ na mmezi na-ebuli oge elu
● Oke ike-na-arọ ruru na-eme ka oge okirikiri ọsọ ọsọ
●nakweere American DANA torque Ntụgharị, ike mgbanwe nnyefe na mbanye axle.
●Breeki na-arụ ọrụ na-anabata hydraulic etinyere na mmiri ewepụtara.
● breeki na-adọba ụgbọala na-etinye mmiri n'ọrụ na hydraulic wepụtara.
●Axle nke ihu na-anabata American NO-SPIN dị iche.
●N'azụ axle na-akwado okpukpu abụọ oscillating axle ma na-ebelata ọnụego ọdịda.
● Cable rolling system adopts cable hydraulic valve control maka ezigbo nkwụsi ike nke eriri USB, iji hụ na ndụ ọrụ nkịtị.
●Independent hydraulic mmanụ jụrụ usoro, ala na-arụ ọrụ mmanụ okpomọkụ, mbenata ntapu, na-amụba ndụ ọrụ nke hydraulic components.
● The ịwụ adopts V Ọdịdị na ebelata iheejiegwa penetration eguzogide.

The WJD-2 is full of features to help mines maximize tonnes and minimize extraction costs. Engineered to optimize machine width, length and turning radius, enabling operation in narrower tunnels for less dilution and lower operational costs.
The WJD-2 is full of features to help mines maximize tonnes and minimize extraction costs. Engineered to optimize machine width, length and turning radius, enabling operation in narrower tunnels for less dilution and lower operational costs.
The WJD-2 is full of features to help mines maximize tonnes and minimize extraction costs. Engineered to optimize machine width, length and turning radius, enabling operation in narrower tunnels for less dilution and lower operational costs.

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